Every single human has a pet peeve or two that drives them absolutely crazy. Some people can’t stand the sound of food being chewed and it upsets them to the point where they become angry at the littlest noise at dinnertime. It’s kind of the same thing when someone slurps their spaghetti or the last bit of their drink through a straw. Some people get annoyed if there’s even one dirty dish in the sink, or the toilet paper isn’t where it should be. Whatever the pet peeve may be, it gives the person a feeling of anxiety. It makes them feel annoyed and angry. It can even make someone feel like their skin is crawling. It’s an extremely uncomfortable feeling, that’s undeniable. These pictures are sure to put even the most calm person on the edge of anxiety. They’ll make you wish you never even started scrolling, but you won’t be able to look away.
#1. Imagine getting on a plane and seeing your window taped up like this. New seat, please?
#2. Ommetaphobia is the fear of things touching, or getting into, your eyes. It’s safe to say this person is completely okay with it.
#3. They must have not been too scared because they took the time to take a picture before securing it.

#4. The fear of heights is a very real thing. Maybe it’s not as scary if you can’t see where you’re going. Maybe not.
#5. He better hope he’s secured correctly because there’s absolutely nothing for him to grab onto if he falls.
#6. The design of this door is liable to bring out the OCD in anybody.
#7. The thought of this spilling everywhere is what nightmares are made of.
#8. If you’re any kind of claustrophobic, you should avoid this elevator at all costs.

#9. This cup of coffee is definitely a wake-up call.

#10. To whoever did this: fix it immediately. This is absolutely unnatural.